Tuesday, March 24, 2020

9 Helpful Tips to Control Your Emotions

Introvert Whisperer / 9 Helpful Tips to Control Your Emotions Top 9 Tips to Tame Your Emotions The Key to a Happier Life Do you know U.K. has appointed a minister for “loneliness”? Isn’t that the sad reality of what uncontrolled emotions can actually do to us? As published in www.nytimes.com, about 9 million people in the country tend to feel lonely most of the times, suggests a 2017 report by Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness. While it is true that emotions over the ages in the history of humankind have always been there attached to every single action, and decision; we cannot deny the fact that exaggerated emotions on several occasions had ended up making things worse than ever. For instance, someone who’s emotionally wrecked would think that the entire universe has conspired against him/her, and might draw a conclusion that it is almost the end of the world for them. This, as a result, gives rise to stress, negativity, anger and emotional damage that eventually gets the better of them in many harmful ways. On the flip side, peace of mind and the strength to accept things that cannot be changed or controlled is what it takes to master the art of not letting emotions rule over you. Here are 9 actionable tried and tested ways to control emotions, because “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”.   1. Get Over “I am the only one suffering.” People with weaker emotions are the ones who are less rational and mostly prioritize the problem, rather than looking for the solution. If you are an emotionally wrecked person, then chances are that you would often blame your fate for all mishaps that may occur in life. But to be frank is it even literally possible that out of 7.6 billion residents on this planet earth, you are the only soul to suffer a trauma or an emotional breakdown? No, it can’t be! 2. Involve yourself in activities you love Play, write, sing, dance, cook, laugh, socialize, travel, run, jump, hop; there’s so much to do in life, so much to achieve and explore. The more involved you would be in things you love doing the most; the happier will be your soul at the end of the day. And at times, activities like writing, singing and dancing can prove to be a great way to express emotions through creativity, instead of being too hard on yourself. 3. Look deep into your soul This won’t require you to understand rocket science; simply ask yourself a question “why do you think that you’re emotional?”  Seek deep within your soul and think for a moment in an attempt to capture and recollect every possible reason behind your emotional outbursts. Once you’re done figuring out the reason, simply ignore or let go of the obsession. You will feel better. 4. So you think social media and technology can always heal your pain? NO! The problem is we think technology and applications created by “humans” can actually treat humans in a better way. If you are truly looking forward to controlling your emotions, then get over the surrealistic and virtual support or at least refrain from relying on it every single time. In a post published in http://www.iflscience.com, it has been stated that according to a U.S. based analysis, backed by the National Institute for Mental Health, the level of depression has risen with the increase in the total amount of time spent by the users on social media and the number of times they pay a visit to social media sites each week. So, can you catch the drift of it? It’s time you decide to heal or control emotions more by interacting with humans; rather than being a couch potato, swiping through online apps all day long. 5. Meditate often for a peaceful life The key to happiness and a peaceful life, away from emotional damage and negativities is meditation. If you are focusing way too much on a particular thing over and again, then chances are, at a certain point of time, you would lose control over your emotions, resulting in giving rise to catastrophic outcomes. So, why would you like to get in between all these hassles? Take a deep breath, calm down, sit back and meditate. You will feel better. 6. Shake off all inhibitions; share your thoughts with your parents Remember, our parents have seen more sunrises than we did. There’s no denying that they would understand emotions better. People most of the times feel shy, perplexed and less confident to approach their parents. So, it’s time to keep aside such inhibitions, go hug your mom, call up your dad, dine-out together, spend some light moments, and watch half of your emotions being controlled by the happiness, care and affection you would find on their face. 7. Time to expect less and do more The expectation is the mother of all human emotions. So, here’s the age-old trick to keep aside all expectations and simply keep doing the needful. Help someone and be happy about it; don’t cry in a corner just because he isn’t helping you back. You do your own thing and let others do their own. 8. Reacting to every single thing isn’t always necessary If the other person realizes that you can be freaked out easily, then emotions and emotional blackmailing might just get the better of you.  This, as a result, will only give rise to frustrations, adding no significant value to what could otherwise be a much happier and peaceful life. Thus, the best trick is to stay calm and react less, unless the situation is too worse.   9. Try positive self-talk; it works Even if you are dealing with negativities, try talking to your own self, put up a smile, and let your soul be the best guide in this matter. There’s a reason human instinct and conscience exist; make good use of it. Self-talk is always a great way to boost confidence that can leverage the process of self-evaluation in a better way, and of course, an effective strategy to tame exaggerated emotions. Thus, to wrap up, it is to be mentioned that despite complications and every other challenge that life may bring forth, one should never give up or lose control over their emotions. That’s the kind of survival strategy we all should implement for a healthier and happier living. Cheers! Author Bio: Nathan William is an assignment help expert associated with MyAssignmenthelp.com, helping students with projects related to psychology. Apart from being a Cdr Engineers Australia academic writer, Nathan practices psychological counseling and loves to read almost anything interesting and thought-provoking. Go to top Let me emphasize that Self-Promotion doesn’t have to be obnoxious to be effective.  But, if you don’t Self-Promote you, who will? If you ever want to get ahead, you have to learn how to Self-Promote. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that shows you simple, yet effective ways to Self-Promote. Start watching now by clicking here! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

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